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Spring Clean Your Resume with These Tips

Spring is here, and it’s time to step outside and feel the sun! It’s also time to clear out the clutter and dust in our homes AND our careers. If you’ve been putting up with too much for too long from a suffocating boss or a dead-end job, now is the time to break free. And if you’re out of work and looking for something new, now is the time to shake some of the dust and outdated dead weight from your resume.

Here are a few tips that can help you tighten and streamline your document for the season that lies ahead.

First, read your resume over and have someone else do the same.

Read your resume with the eyes of a hiring manager, and as you do so, hand it off to a trusted friend or family member who can help you with your overhaul. If anything stands out in a negative or confusing way, mark that section or phrase and come back to it later.

Get rid of outdated claims.

Any job you held more than ten years ago should probably drop off your resume at this point, with just a few exceptions: If your outdated job is unusually relevant to the one you’re seeking or unusually beneficial (for example, if you and your target hiring manager worked together for an old employer and she may not remember), it can stay. Otherwise, jobs over ten years old just take up space you could be using for fresher and more relevant information.

Tighten your education section.

If you graduated more than 15 years ago, take your graduation dates off your resume. At this point, those dates don’t help you much and they may subject you to age discrimination. If you graduated more than three years ago, remove your GPA. If you’ve graduated from college, remove your high school name and credentials altogether.

Elevate your goals and tighten your credentials to help you reach them.

Maybe the last time you examined your resume, you were searching for a junior-level position that could help you get a foot in the door. But now six years have passed and you’re not targeting the junior level anymore. Claims that once helped you stand out have become par for the course (like “served customers daily”). And accomplishments that made you proud six years ago can leave you aiming too low if you keep them in your resume. Toss them out. Replace them with more recent accomplishments that can help you grasp a higher rung of the career ladder. For more tips and resume-freshening moves, turn to the up-to-date job search experts at PSU.
