Your team shows up every single day, no matter what, and they care enough about your enterprise to dedicate a third of their lives to supporting your success. They put everything else on hold to manage your accounts and orders or take care of your clients and customers, and while you pay them a fair salary (why else would they do this?), you also appreciate their contributions on a personal level. So how can you let them know? How can you remind them—on regular basis—that your company wouldn’t exist without them?
Here are a few simple tips.
Take the time to reinforce your personal bond.
Businesses are built on relationships, and if your employees care about you—and trust that you care about them—your company will thrive. Take a few minutes out of each day to sit with at least one member of your team and check-in. Ask how they’re doing, ask how they feel about their work and projects, and find out if there’s anything they need that might help them do their jobs. Just a quick chat and a moment of connection can go a long way.
Just say it.
Sometimes we wrap ourselves in knots wondering how we can express a certain feeling in an appropriate way, and we miss the obvious. Just speak. Simply tell your employees that you appreciate and depend on them via regular announcements, personal conversations, or small gestures (like surprise half-days). The message won’t be lost, no matter how many times your repeat it.
Acknowledge rough times.
When a huge order comes in and everyone on the team has to work late for a little while, show that you recognize this sacrifice. If a rough season rolls through (a spate of terrible weather, a virus, the loss of a beloved coworker) make it clear that you understand the challenges your employees are facing. Don’t act like nothing is happening and the bar of expectation has not changed.
Gifts and parties cost little and bring big returns.
Throw a holiday party and arrange a company picnic during the summer if you can, but in between these two big opportunities, try to turn ordinary Fridays into minor celebrations. Sponsor happy hours, acknowledge birthdays, and occasionally order lunch for your entire team…for no specific reason. These small gestures create lasting memories and can have an impact that resonates and improves your company culture.
Thank them for appreciating you.
If your employees say something positive about the company online or proudly wear the company logo in public, make sure the gesture is acknowledged. Let them know that these small words and actions make a difference. If you can, return the gesture by announcing and celebrating outside accomplishments, like employee achievements in art, sports, or charity.
Thank and appreciate your employees with both your words and actions, and do so as often as possible. For more guidance on cultivating positive company culture, turn to the experts at PSU