You’ve added up the numbers, done the math, and talked your situation over with your loved ones and the path ahead is clear: It’s time for a new job. Your current workplace just isn’t giving what you need. Maybe you were excited to receive your initial offer or start work on your first day, but that was a long time ago, and things have changed. At this point, you’re ready to move on, and you just don’t see a future within these walls. Here are a few tips for job searching while you are employed.
Money matters.
Chasing your dreams is important. And being polite to your current boss is important. But your personal financial stability is more important than either of these things, and the money you’ll be earning while you search for work on the side can sustain you if the marketplace isn’t as welcoming as you expect. Stay stable and keep your paycheck until you’re fully ready to let go.
Expand your options.
If you’re still employed and still collecting a paycheck and covering your bills, then you’re less likely to leap at the first offer that comes your way. You can afford to be calm, collected, and discriminating, which can help you choose the right job (and negotiate a salary that works for you).
Maintain your personal connections.
Don’t tell anyone at your workplace that you’re stepping onto the market, even your closest friends. Nobody at your office should know your plans, or you may be hustled out the door before you’re ready. But at the same time, maintaining contact with your mentors, supporters, and co-workers can help you in the future when you need references and a bank of goodwill that you can count on.
When you have an offer, you’ll have leverage.
When you finally land an offer that you like, you can let your boss know that you’ll be leaving in two weeks’ time. They may let you go without a peep, and that’s fine. But they may also decide they would rather keep you on board and they can make it worth your while.
For more on how to search for work or plan your career path over the long term, reach out to the job search experts at PSU.