Before we dive into 3 tips to have new hires stay with your company, let’s take a minute to look at the climate of the workforce. A recent NPR article cited Gallup’s poll which found that only about 1/3 of today’s workforce feel engaged in their work. This is an alarming statistic for any HR manager. The truth is, for millennials that number may be even lower. However, this doesn’t have to be the case for the new employees you just brought on.
Let’s look at what you can do to proactively boost retention.
1. Team Integration
Similar to moving to a new city, new employees will need to make connections. This means meeting managers, co-workers, different departments, etc. Having a welcome staff lunch gives them a chance to co-workers and mingle. Consider having a point person that will let them know what to expect (like dress code, places to grab lunch, etc.). Remind current employees to say hi and consider stopping by a few offices and making introductions to give a potential employee the chance to connect for a moment. Highlight key co-workers that the new employee will be spending time with or collaborating with.
2. Communication
Provide clarity on what you expect. Giving metrics for what success looks like in the role (say around 90 days) helps them know if they are hitting benchmarks. Provide encouragement and if needed consider offering mentorship. Wondering isn’t a good feeling when you are new. Take initiative and provide a project or something for them to sink their teeth into initially. Having ongoing work consummate with their experience will bring up questions and create engagement. This will also give you a chance to connect with them and notice their strengths. Keep the lines of communication open and welcome questions.
3. On-Board Well
Finally, you can make this transition easier by providing a welcome packet. Put together a packet of info with tips from people who have had success in the position. Ask employees who have been in the position or with the company for a while how they would improve onboarding or what they wish they knew when they started. Include that information. For employees who are relocating a welcome packet with great restaurants, entertainment, etc. can be a nice extra that shows that you care about their overall experience as a newcomer.
Looking to Hire?
Maybe you have a recent opening or are looking to start the year off strong by adding a new team member. Beyond these 3 tips to have new hires stay with your company, retention is easier when you find the right person initially. The hiring process starts long before you meet the candidate with clear messaging, marketing, and methodical vetting. We take the load off your shoulders and provide a stream of job seekers looking for new positions. Take a look at the testimonials from some of the companies we’ve served. Don’t delay, contact our office now!